Episode 44: The Biggest, Richest Child
We discuss Apple's CSAM Strategy, and their just-announced Settlement with US Developers!
We discuss Apple's CSAM Strategy, and their just-announced Settlement with US Developers!
We discuss what WWDC will bring to us as developers.
We discuss Spencer's MacBook Air setup woes, the new 15% App Store rate, and which frameworks you should use when diving into Mac development!
We discuss how the App Store, app review, and marketing your app has changes over the years.
With special guests Josh Holtz and Tyler Hillsman, we discuss different App Store pricing models, and which would be the best fit for Josh's new app.
We discuss the benefits of finding your niche and specializing when looking for new opportunities, and what would happen if we considered the App Store to be simply a provider, much like an ISP.
We discuss how to layout your UI using compositional layouts and diffable data sources, different ways to bring an iPhone UI to the iPad, and ways Apple could make the App Store a better place for both developers and users.